Remember when you used to buy eggs to save money? Or waste eggs by dying them at Easter. Or throw them at your enemies’ cars in high school?
Now eggs are.. Well.. a precious commodity. At least in California. I can’t wait until we are able to have the eggs back at our favorite single digit prices. And hopefully we will have the scientists back too.
To commemorate this, I am going to review some of my favorite egg dishes. To inspire us to value health and safety in our manufacturing sector (and leaving dealing with our food and health to the professionals), and dream for the days when the eggs are back!!
Okay so, starting strong.
An omelette.
Texture wise- not my favorite, can be too soggy but the abundance of ingredients you can throw in here is nothing short of amazing.
An egg frittata.
This is what I’m talking about. Crispy.
A quiche.
You know what, I like these little things, they’re like savory pie. I just can’t have too much because it’ll make sick.
A breakfast burrito.
100. Level A. The best thing!!!!!! Nothing better than food wrapped in a tortilla.
But a lot of things require eggs, like pastries. Or even drinks that require egg whites. Cookie dough, cake, pizza. Some of our favorite things require eggs.
And sure we can go buy them and thankfully at restaurants, things that have eggs are still normal prices, but soon we might see an avocado tax for eggs. ..
But now, we definitely will not be cooking at home if it requires eggs… not that we were before.
Anyway, either you’ll be in line at the grocery store at 6 a.m. or you’ll be like me, and go egg-less until the poor chickens come back to health and are no longer under the threat of a deadly disease. For now, keep healthy, stop spreading diseases, and enjoy any eggs you cant get.